Smartnumbers Consortium

At Smartnumbers we understand the importance of collaboration when it comes to fighting fraud. If a fraudster has attacked one organisation, then they’re likely to be attacking others too. The Smartnumbers Consortium is the way to fight back – by working together.

The power of community

  • Our community of customers and partners shares intelligence in real time on the fraudsters they know
  • Smartnumbers Protect, our contact centre security solution, checks the information on known fraudsters provided by the consortium to help prevent fraud
  • We host regular community events to share insight and best practice


Speak to the Smartnumbers team to learn more about benefits of becoming a consortium member.

Consortium features in Smartnumbers Protect

Smartnumbers Protect users can see when fraudsters have been flagged by other consortium members, including how many organisations have flagged a particular caller and how many incidents they have been involved in.

Companies can also share intelligence on methods used by prolific fraudsters to gain a better understanding of fraudster behaviour.

Fraud teams can build internal fraudster profiles, store notes and configure alerts for certain callers to assist with fraud investigations.

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