
ISO 9001

The international standard specifying requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS), allowing Smartnumbers to demonstrate our capability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Certificate Number: 238410

Date of initial registration: 27th January 2005

Certificate expiry: 03rd July 2026


ISO 27001

The international standard for an Information Security Management System (ISMS), demonstrating our commitment to managing information entrusted by third parties in a secure and responsible manner.

Certificate Number: 238409

Date of initial registration: 28th November 2018

Certificate expiry: 27th November 2027


Cyber Essentials Plus

A simple, but effective, Government backed cyber-security standard, required by most UK government contracts.

Current Certificate Number: ed8a23e7-07b0-413b-91cc-a1274571592b

Date of initial registration: 11th May 2022

Recertification: 5th June 2025


We invest in people Platinum

Accreditation in people management, showing our commitment to lead, support and develop our most valuable commodity.

Date of initial registration: 16 June 2022

Certificate expiry: 27 February 2025


FSQS Registered Supplier

Financial Services Qualification System (FSQS) is an invitation-only supply chain management and due diligence verification community of financial institutions including banks, building societies, insurance companies and investment services, collaborating to agree a single standard for managing the increasing complexity of third and fourth-party information needed to demonstrate compliance to regulators, policies and governance controls.

Registration number: FSQS02004627

Date of initial registration: 20 April 2018

Certificate expiry: 19 April 2025


ICO Tier 2 Data Controller

Smartnumbers is a responsible data controller, fully compliant and registered with UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Registration Number: ZA581302

Date of initial registration: 13th December 2019

Certificate expiry: 12th December 2024

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